
“Write What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law”

Welcome to Pulp Metal Magazine

Bringing you a heady smorgasbord of NOIR GENRE FICTION and interviews featuring the best underground and independent CRIME, HORROR, SPECULATIVE, TRANSGRESSIVE and WEIRD FICTION authors/artists/misfits on the web has been PMM’s mission since a hungover Christmas day in 2009.

We hope that you join us in making the internet genre fiction underground a little bit more of a diverse place to be and dare I say it, a little less pompous.

A little more fun.

Remember “fun“?

There are already underground writing “legends” grooming themselves for their fame. The broadsheets have already discussed “the big names“. The vultures are waiting. In a culture of celebrity, anonymity is holy. That much maligned term “genre fiction“, that scourge of the lit snobs is nothing to be ashamed of, if you can pull it off with flair and a touch of originality. So, get in touch and send us your runny nightmares and bloody opinions, you glorious nobodies.

Jason Michel The Dictator



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12 thoughts on “About”

  1. Jason, you write and enticing promo. Paul Brazill has reminded me you are always waiting for us to shine through cyber world and stay a while at your doorstep.

  2. For fuck’s sake, Dictator – you can turn a phrase and do it raw. I’ll be submitting to your den of nobodies, since you put it that way. Saved by the seedy underbelly of the innerverse, the newly plundered frontier for the proto slackers thieves of the flesh amid the bumps-n-grind; the bloody goddam grind of those braving the clock-punching monotony of the daily and those of us cast adrift on the heavy black sheets blowing through the nights and mean pre-dawn mornings are what our spectral muses bring as trophies to plunder and skin. I want to submit, BLUE HIGHWAYS. Let me fetch it.

  3. Paul D. Brazill introduced me to this site via Twitter and I’m entranced by the writing. I have nothing more to say as I need to read more stories.

  4. Kind of glad I found you via a Facebook ad. Got some things to submit. I’ve been in Shotgun Honey and Out of the Gutter so this should be fun.

  5. Interesting – I had no idea things like this were going on and I’m happy I found this page! I found it via Paul Brazill.

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"Write What Thou Wilt"