Tag Archives: erin cole

The List by Erin Cole

Miriam thinks she’s a witch, a real one. She lights frankincense and myrrh and watches it smolder into a star-flecked night. Her skirt is black with fine, frayed mesh, stockings netted, boots laced. Lots of Continue reading The List by Erin Cole

Feral Things : An interview with Erin Cole

by Mav Skye

ErinCole2 Erin Cole is a dark, mischievous writer. She plants stars in your eyes while sewing midnight into your soul. I read everything she puts outs, always anxious to unlock the mysteries woven through her work. She kindly joins me today at Pulp Metal Magazine to talk about her latest release FERAL THINGS from Damnation Books.


Continue reading Feral Things : An interview with Erin Cole


 Two Flash Fiction Pieces From Jelena Vencl Ohlrogge


Jeff was looking at a tiny cockroach in his living room. The cockroach was looking back at Jeff with its Parisian blue eyes.

Jeff thought he was dreaming, because roaches do not have blue eyes. Or, do they? Jeff was trying to fill his blank thoughts with something. Anything. He was holding his breath, frozen in time, hesitating to stomp on the roach.