Tag Archives: kate laity

The State of the Church of Bowie in 2525 by K. A. Laity

My beloved in Ziggy—transplendent be his name!—there are some troubling trends of late in our nation. Despite the ubiquity of our faith—it’s rare to see anyone not wearing a lightning bolt, admittedly, whether on a chain around their neck or in a discreet Continue reading The State of the Church of Bowie in 2525 by K. A. Laity

The Lost History Of Ketlingr By Kate Laity

The little-lamented dissolution of the pseudo-galdr heavy metal band Ketlingr ended a prospective career in magic as well as music. As musicians, the band seldom rose above the level of thrash metal cacophony. Their lyrics were the strongest part of their collective work and with their website being taken down for non-payment, it Continue reading The Lost History Of Ketlingr By Kate Laity

He Didn’t Say That, I Did – Noir Goddess: Ida Lupino by Kate Laity

470px-Ida_Lupino_publicityNoir fans know what the rest of the world needs to learn: Ida Lupino rules. The goddess of the genre had an all-purpose muse. She started out acting and then turned to directing, seeking more control over her life and her stories. In the minority of women directors (an absence continuing unaddressed: despite periodic ‘year of the woman’ claims in Hollywood, the boys Continue reading He Didn’t Say That, I Did – Noir Goddess: Ida Lupino by Kate Laity